The doctor explains this disease occurs when immune cells attack healthy tissues, so internal wounds open. As your body stages a coup, unravels, the doctor explains treatments. You hear white blood cells tear your organs, destroy their home. Do they plot before they lay siege or suddenly leave every post untended, point weapons at their maker? That sermon when the priest offered Hell for suicide, they must have missed it.
About Quintin Collins
Quintin Collins (he/him) is a writer, editor, and incoming Solstice MFA Assistant Director. His works have appeared or are forthcoming in Homology Lit, Up the Staircase Quarterly, Anti-Heroin Chic, Transition magazine, and elsewhere. He also received a Pushcart Prize nomination in 2019. Quintin likes to post poems and writing memes on his Twitter (@qcollinswriter). He thinks the memes are funny sometimes, but that's debatable.