A note to our readersHello, and welcome to the latest issue of Exhume Magazine! We’re very proud to share work from excellent poets and artists with you this issue. In this issue, our writers disinter hard truths, look at the faces of loved ones, and examine their losses. In Lindsey Warren’s “Ars Poetica,” a heaven listens to a falling star, and we learn why the poet chooses to write poetry. In Horace’s Ars Poetica, we learn why poetry and art are valid pursuits. Warren’s poem shows us a fractured world, the falling and listening she describes mirrors the lack of understanding many of us find in the world today. We encourage you to consider the reason that you, our readers, do the many things you love to do. Do you decoupage in an effort to represent the obscurity of life in a tangible way? Do you jog for the feeling of lycra pants? Do you drink lavender tea to feel a fancy? Find reason today, and embrace whatever truths you find within yourselves. Once again, we have included a master list of trigger warnings, but have not placed them at the beginning of individual pieces. This is in an effort to keep our readers informed without giving anything about an individual work away to readers who may not need trigger warnings. If you think you might need to know ahead of time what subjects this issue entails, please take a look at the master list before reading. We hope that this summer issue finds you well. While temperatures rise, we hope your creative spirits soar. We thank you again for reading, and hope that you’ll consider sharing your own writing and art with us in the future. With love, Scarlett Peterson Editor in Chief |
Content Warning: This issue includes discussion and/or themes of poverty, familial trauma, death, illness, chronic illness, and suicidal ideation. For more specific details, please see our master list. contentsARTKate LaDew | "Sleep," "The Beach House," & "Waiting by the Window"
Fabrice Poussin | "Fiery Destiny" (cover), & "Oblivion" Jim Zola | "Image 2" & "Image 3" PoetryMargarita Serafimova | "Μαχαίρια Ρόδου" & "30 November 2017"
Lindsey Warren | "Ars Poetica" & "Interior" Morgan Carter | "Thin Lines of Boyhood Truths" Quintin Collins | "Autoimmune" |